Kambo Microdosing Course

Learn the fundamental practice of administering non-purgative microdoses of Kambo safely and effectively.


229 people have completed this course

What is Microdosing?

Microdosing is a practice that involves taking small doses of a substance. The practice has recently been popularized by the reemergence of psychedelic substances. However microdosing Kambo, which is not a psychedelic, has some differences in methodology to microdosing psychedelics.

Unlike psychedelics, microdosing Kambo is not intended to be sub-perceptual and is still very much an experience with noticeable sensations. It is typically intended to be non-purgative though, meaning no vomiting is involved, making it an accessible, gentle and easy experience with many benefits.

Benefits of Microdosing Kambo

Peptide Application

Dozens of bioactive peptides in Kambo elicit potent antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immune modulating effects.

Connecting to Kambo

Microdosing is a non-overwhelming way to feel the presence of the frog’s spirit and maintain a special connection.

Enhancing Mindfulness

Microdosing Kambo can be a mind-expansive experience and can support productive meditation and mindfulness practices.

Mastering Dosage

How to navigate the thin margin of keeping a microdose non-purgative.

Peptide Potential

How to utilize Kambo’s bioactive peptides to support management of acute and chronic health conditions.

Kambo microdosing Protocols

How to use specialized cutting-edge techniques for working with purgative and non-purgative kambo protocols.

Impeccable Safety Practices

How to keep yourself and your clients safe with non-obvious but simple measures.

Effective Protocols

How to use microdosing protocols for sustained and lasting results.

Self Empowerment

How to take back your personal power and control of your wellness by self-administering Kambo microdoses with proper training.

2 hours of Lecture Training

1 Hour Recorded Microdosing Demonstration

1 Hour Safety Fundamentals Course


Start the course today and get the training you need to safely microdose Kambo on yourself and others.

BUNDLE with the Self Administration course for $100 off!

Pre-Recorded Course

Get Started Now

4-hours of pre-recorded online training that you can watch at your own pace.

Caitlin Thompson

is a seasoned international Kambo practitioner having served over 2,200 clients with a specialty in Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions and other chronic illnesses. Caitlin came to her specialty through conquering her own personal battle with Lyme disease and chronic illness symptoms. She is proudly in remission with consistent vibrant health. 

Caitlin is formally educated as a neurobiologist and is a research associate at UCSD School of Medicine. She operates as an independent scientific researcher with her previous studies  focusing on psychedelics and their potential for treating autoimmune conditions and the prebiotic effects of herbs on the human microbiome. She is currently pioneering some of the first human studies on Kambo.

Caitlin has been featured in over 80+ podcasts, interviews, conferences, speaking engagements and even international television appearances as a leading Kambo expert. Her set of skills makes her uniquely qualified to integrate the art and magic of Kambo with the scientific world.

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