Empower yourself to safely deepen your relationship with Kambo
While the importance of working with a trained practitioner is absolutely crucial for initiating a relationship with Kambo, eventually some may wish to create more autonomy and empower themselves with the skills to safely self-administer. Self-administration is a beautiful way to deepen one’s relationship with Kambo. It is also a practical solution for those who are supporting chronic health conditions, have limited funds and/or may not have convenient access to a practitioner near them.
We believe that most people are more than capable of self-serving Kambo safely with the proper training and guidance. The truth is, many people are already self-administering Kambo with no training whatsoever and no knowledge of the source of their supply. This is very concerning as it jeopardizes their safety, as well as the accessibility of Kambo.
As an organization passionate about harm-reduction, instead of trying to force people to travel and receive proper training for self-administration, we decided to bring the education straight to your home through an easy-to-access online platform. This course will give an individual everything they need to understand how to self-administer Kambo properly in a safe and beneficial way.
Learn how to self-apply from one of the worlds leading practitioners and Kambo scientists.
You get to decide how quickly you want to move through the course, allowing you to fit it into any schedule.
Learn the skills to confidently self-administer in a safe way that supports the deepening of your personal Kambo journey.
We talk about the fundamental differences between receiving Kambo from a practitioner, versus serving ourselves. The double edge sword of empowerment and self sabotage, and the difference between being equipped to serve ourself, versus serve others.
Dive into the different origins of unique tribal communities, understanding tribal dynamics, and how folklore, beliefs and practices differ between tribal communities. As well as the evolution of Kambo practices in the modern world in both tribal and western communities.
How to control point size, symmetry/alignment, asthetics, working with different skin types, conserving tamishi vine, different dragons blood techniques of application.
This module extensively covers safety protocols related to understanding medication pharmacology, hard and soft contraindications, water consumption practices, fainting, and mental health risks.
Deciding how often, when and Why to self administer Kambo. Knowing how much is too much.
Learn how to apply Rapeh and Sananga should you wish to include them in your Kambo session.
Take a deep dive into the pharmacology and existing research on peptides contained in the Kambo secretion with one of the worlds leading Kambo scientists. This module is quite scientifically dense and loved by science nerds.
How to choose point location, dosage, amount of time in a way that is aligned with your intentions and desired outcome.
Using prayer, ritual, intention setting, and other tools such as journaling, sage, paulo santo, rapeh, sananga etc to create potent meaning for your session.
Using prayer, ritual, intention setting, and other tools such as journaling, sage, paulo santo, rapeh, sananga etc to create potent meaning for your session.
How to care for yourself in order to integrate your experience and get the most benefit.
You’ll be guided over video conference via zoom by Caitlin, with an in-person sitter of your choosing present. We will do 2 live sessions of self-serve over Zoom.
You'll get lifetime access to all 13 pre-recorded video lessons that cover the History, Science, Safety, Theory and Practical skills of self application.
You'll do 2 live online supervised self application sessions via Zoom with Caitlin while having an sitter physically present that you trust.
You'll receive 1 stick of ethically-sourced Kambo and 1 Tamishi burn vine as part of your course package. This supply is sourced directly from Matses communities that we personally have close relations with.
Prospective students must meet the following requirements…
is a seasoned international Kambo practitioner having served over 2,200 clients with a specialty in Lyme disease, autoimmune conditions and other chronic illnesses. Caitlin came to her specialty through conquering her own personal battle with Lyme disease, Lupus and chronic illness symptoms.
Caitlin is formally educated as a neurobiologist and is a research associate at UCSD School of Medicine. She operates as an independent scientific researcher with her previous studies focusing on psychedelics and their potential for treating autoimmune conditions and the prebiotic effects of herbs on the human microbiome. She is currently pioneering some of the first human studies on Kambo.
Caitlin has been featured in over 80+ podcasts, interviews, conferences, speaking engagements and even international television appearances as a leading Kambo expert. Her set of skills makes her uniquely qualified to integrate the art and magic of Kambo with the scientific world.
Our number one priority is to provide thorough training programs that produces competent and confident Kambo practitioners devoted to safe and ethical practices. We embrace diversity, innovation, critical thinking, inclusivity and creative freedom in support of our highest value of “Do no harm”. We believe in science and spirituality and see the importance of integrating the two. Our philosophies encourage minds to challenge dogma, celebrate humility, and serve our communities with integrity.
Our curriculum bridges the gap between science and spirit, integrating the best from both traditional knowledge and modern needs.
Giving back to indigenous communities through direct fair-trade supply sourcing, philanthropic projects, and mutually supportive cultural exchanges.
Our program prioritizes safe practices and harm reduction. We are one of the only programs to include CPR and first aid training.
Take Your Healing Back into Your Own Hands
Save $100 with this bundle!
about Kambo Self-Administration Online Course
Kambo is not an FDA approved drug. It is not intended for use in diagnosis, preventing, treating or curing any medical condition. Always talk to your doctor before choosing to do Kambo. The information provided on this site and by Medicine Frog Kambo’s course offerings are strictly education and are not intended to be medical advice.
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